Electrically Conductive Adhesives

SEC1200 Series
ResinLab offers a line of RoHS-compliant stock and custom silver-filled electrically conductive adhesives, which provide electrical pathways for applications that cannot withstand the heat of solder. Typical applications include disk drives, flip-chips, and die attach assemblies. Most systems are available as two-component mix-in formats or pre-mixed and frozen. Some systems are suitable for using the DS-4 dual syringe.

ProductColorViscosity (cps)Pot LifeHardness (Shore D)Specific GravityShear Strength (psi)Temperature Range (°C)
SEC1222Silver560,00045min703.91850-40 - 150
SEC1233Silver29,500 - 582,0001h70-600-40 - 150
SEC1244Silver298,000>4h904.21500-40 - 180


Contact an experienced representative for more information on ResinLab electrically conductive adhesives or request a quote.


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